About MVI

About SSP

On this page you will find a brief explanation and links to other pages about Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP), tool support and SSP tools from other countries.

Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) means, next to the price of products, services and works there is also a focus on the effect on environmental and social aspects. On the website of PIANOo (https://www.pianoo.nl/nl) more information can be found about SPP in Dutch.


Next to the Dutch SPP criteria tool there are more European countries who have similar tools. If there are certain topics missing in the Dutch tool we recommend to take a look at the other tools. The following websites contain more information about SPP in different countries:

·         Ireland: https://gppcriteria.gov.ie/ 

·         Sweden: https://www.upphandlingsmyndigheten.se/en/criteria/ 

·         Norway: https://kriterieveiviseren.anskaffelser.no/ 

·         Antwerps: https://www.provincieantwerpen.be/lokale-besturen/duurzame-gemeenten/advies/duurzaam-aankopen.html

·         Germany: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/en/topics/economics-consumption/green-procurement/recommendations-for-your-tender